Tag Archives: social work

Social workers oppose new accreditation system

As you may know, the Government is in the process of rolling out a new National Assessment and Accreditation System (NAAS) for all children and family social workers who carry out a statutory function. More than 90% of social workers oppose it, and we are holding a meeting at 1 PM on Wednesday 14 June for social workers to meet and discuss it. Continue reading

Social workers reject government’s reform proposals

Unison has produced an extensive report detailing how social workers largely reject government plans to open up social services to private companies. Read it below. Continue reading

UNISON defends social worker member disciplined for helping family

Camden UNISON has successfully defended a social worker member with over 30 years experience who was pulled in front of a disciplinary hearing following coming into work outside of standard working hours to support the family of a child who died. Continue reading

Camden UNISON wins further pay rises for social workers

cashCamden UNISON has won pay rises worth around £800 a year, with backdating worth up to around £2400, for at least 12 children’s social workers. Continue reading

Threatened action forces halt to mental health reorganisation

The Mental Health / ASC shop has forced a 6 month halt to plans by the local Mental Health NHS Trust (Camden & Islington Foundation Trust – CIFT) to have a major re-organisation in the way Mental Health Act assessments are organised in Camden. The proposal was to end a system that had been running smoothly for around 6 years, and would have led to a much worse service for people needing treatment in psychiatric hospital. Continue reading

Camden UNISON recoups £11,000 underpayment for a member


UNISON has recovered and underpayment of over £11,000 for a social worker member who was not permitted to return to work following illness. Continue reading

A foreseeable risk: agile working isn’t all rosy

laptopRather than “setting you free”, agile working as it is currently being managed is causing problems for staff, with over 80% suffering health problems as a result. Here is feedback from staff trialling agile working at Caversham Road, gathered by Camden Unison. Continue reading

Camden UNISON wins pay rises for social workers

cash16 social workers in children, schools and families have received pay rises of between one and three increments (~£700-£2100) following UNISON raising a pay inconsistency with management back in December 2011. Continue reading

Camden UNISON cools down Crowndale!

airconAfter monitoring high temperatures in parts of the Crowndale centre, which regularly surpassed 30°C, UNISON reps eventually pressure management into investing £400,000 into an air cooling system. Continue reading