2020 will be the year we must also start to organise against Johnson’s government.

The results of the General Election will be a shock and disappointing for many of us. Although UNISON members will have voted for different parties, as the Branch Secretary of a public sector trade union, certainly I was hoping to see a different result.
Over the next few days and weeks I’m sure we will have lots of discussions about how this result came about, but Camden UNISON has a proud history of resisting austerity and standing up against racism and other discrimination. There are members in the branch who helped organise opposition to Thatcher’s government in the 1980s, and whilst we’re having those discussions about this vote, 2020 will be the year we must also start to organise against Johnson’s government.
If you want to find out how you can get involved just get in touch by emailing unison@camden.gov.uk as there’s going to be lots for us to do!
In solidarity,

Liz Wheatley

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