Unison political fund ballot pending

Keep your eyes peeled when you get the next issue of U, the Unison magazine, as there will be a ballot paper on it asking you to vote on whether Unison should keep its political fund. Trade unions are required by law to ballot their members every 10 years as to whether they want to have a political fund.

Our political fund is needed to fund the campaigning activity of the union, and it’s important that trade unions have a political voice especially at a time when there are many right-wing politicians and lobbyists who want to hobble trade union rights further and attack workers’ terms and conditions. Please vote ‘yes’ to having a political fund so that the union can represent the interests of its members in the political arena. The Unison political fund has two parts – one that supports the Labour Party and one that is for other political activity. Please see here to find out more.

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