Consultation meetings on the pay offer

Camden Unison will be having meetings to consult with members about the pay offer that the employers have put forward. The meetings will be at:

  • Wed 05 Nov, 12-2pm, Holmes Road Depot, Meeting Room 3 (Large)
  • Wed 05 Nov, 12.30-1.30pm, Crowndale Centre, TDC room 4
  • Wed 05 Nov, 2pm, Maiden Lane, Meeting for Kentish Town caretakers
  • Thurs 06 Nov, 12.30pm, Branch Office, 59 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES, Meeting for Camden Town Caretakers
  • Thurs 06 Nov, 12-2pm 5 Pancras Square Rm 10.12 Kingsgate
  • Tues 11 Nov, 1pm, York Way Transport Depot

2 responses to “Consultation meetings on the pay offer

  1. Why wasn’t the meetings widely advertised and not just on your website?

    • Hello, very sorry if you were unaware of these meetings. In addition to advertising on the website we also e-mailed all members whose e-mail addresses we have with details of the meetings, and distributed leaflets with their details in the major buildings. So some members may have missed this, however we did the best we could in the limited timespan and with our limited resources and number of reps. With more reps we could disseminate information more effectively.

      If you did not receive the e-mail, you can talk to the branch office to ensure that we have your e-mail address to communicate with you in future. And you can sign up to “Follow” our website here to be notified of all new articles posted.

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